Monday, February 14, 2011

Two Months Old


Congratulations!  You are now two months old.

The past two months have been a bit crazy and we've become accustomed to a new normal.  Sometimes I see the situation through the eyes of someone else - an aunt or friend - and I realize how strange our situation is but regardless we are so lucky to be here and so proud of your progress.

Look how much you've grown since your birth day.  By one month you had just started eating and gaining weight and now you are just about to grow out of your micro-preemie clothes.  Real preemie clothes now fit - and that hat?  That's a newborn hat!  You're going to read this one day and not get why that deserved an exclamation point but it so deserved one - if not more than one - I'm showing restraint here.

Your Aunt Katie is visiting from Spain so I let her hold you tonight.  Your Nana McCluskey was the first grandparent to hold you two Saturday's ago and now Katie is the first aunt/uncle to hold you - Liz would have gotten the honor on Saturday but the timing didn't work out.

Kevin, I love you dearly.  I'm looking forward to so many firsts and to the normal parts of parenthood.  I can't wait until you are off the ventilator and we can hear you cry.  I'm sure you have an ear shattering cry given the faces you make and how purple you become when you are upset.

I love you,

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